Sustainability as a force for good: How brands can make a lasting difference

In today's world, sustainability isn't just a buzzword; it's a powerful strategy that companies are adopting to create meaningful change. By infusing environmental and social responsibility into their marketing efforts, businesses are not only doing the right thing but also witnessing profitable outcomes. In this article, we'll delve into how companies are seamlessly incorporating sustainability into their branding, showcasing inspiring examples and supporting data that demonstrate the financial and ethical benefits of going green. 


Redesigning Products for a Greener Future:

Companies that prioritize sustainability are reimagining their products and services with a planet-friendly approach. Take Patagonia, the outdoor clothing company, for instance. They have revolutionized their product line by using recycled materials, advocating for repair and reuse, and promoting transparency in their supply chain. As a result, they have successfully attracted environmentally conscious consumers, with 76% of their customers being more likely to buy from them because of their environmental commitments (Forbes, 2021). It's a win-win situation for Patagonia and the planet. 


Transparency Builds Trust and Loyalty:

Successful sustainable branding requires clear and transparent communication about a company's eco-friendly initiatives. Lush, the beauty brand, is an excellent example of how this approach strengthens brand loyalty. Lush leverages its marketing channels to educate consumers about ethically sourced, cruelty-free ingredients, and their efforts to reduce packaging waste. By being transparent about their practices, Lush has built trust with their customers. Transparent communication leads to trust, and trust translates into long-term customer loyalty. 


Collaboration for Amplified Impact:

Sustainability is a collective effort, and companies are recognizing the power of collaboration to achieve shared goals. Unilever's partnership with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) for the "Cool Food Pledge" campaign exemplifies the strength of collaboration. Unilever committed to reducing the carbon footprint of their food products and, by collaborating with WWF, encouraged other food businesses to follow suit. The collective impact of such collaborations not only creates positive change but also enhances brand reputation. It's worth noting that 87% of consumers would buy a product from a company supporting an issue they care about (Cone Communications, 2021). Collaboration is a potent tool for driving sustainability and building a loyal customer base. 



Green Ambassadors for Change: Influencer marketing has become a pivotal strategy for companies aiming to promote sustainability. Brands like Patagonia and TOMS Shoes have joined forces with influential individuals who align with their values. By leveraging the reach and credibility of these influencers, companies effectively communicate their sustainability initiatives to a wider audience. The impact is substantial, with 63% of consumers trusting influencers' opinions on social and environmental topics (Morning Consult, 2021). Influencer marketing enables companies to inspire change and generate a positive brand image while connecting with a broader consumer base. 


Measuring and Reporting for Accountability:

To showcase their commitment to sustainability, companies are measuring and reporting their environmental and social impact. IKEA, the global furniture retailer, stands out with its "People and Planet Positive" strategy. This initiative aims to have a positive impact throughout the entire value chain. By regularly reporting on their progress, IKEA reinforces its dedication to transparency and accountability. This commitment resonates with consumers, as 62% of them believe that companies should share progress on social and environmental efforts (Cone Communications, 2021). Measuring and reporting impact not only demonstrates a company's ethical responsibility but also enhances trust and loyalty among customers. 


In the agrifood industry, our research data highlights the growing importance of sustainability as a key consideration for consumers. When asked about the most important aspects when buying a food product, 15% of respondents identified sustainability as one of their top reasons, while 5% ranked it as the first most important aspect. These figures underscore the significance of sustainability in shaping consumers' purchasing decisions. 


Moreover, the data reveals specific areas within sustainability that consumers prioritize. When asked about which aspects of sustainability companies should primarily focus on, 31% emphasized environmental sustainability, highlighting the need for businesses to address environmental concerns in their operations. Additionally, 18% of respondents highlighted the importance of transparency in the supply chain, indicating that consumers value knowing where their food comes from and how it is produced. 


Further analysis of the data sheds light on specific sustainability considerations that consumers find most relevant. A substantial 45% of respondents mentioned consumption reduction as a crucial aspect, indicating a growing awareness of the need to reduce overconsumption and promote responsible buying habits. The reduction of CO2 emissions was also cited by 42% of respondents, showcasing the importance of minimizing carbon footprints in the production and distribution of food products. Additionally, 42% mentioned the significance of 100% recyclable packaging, reflecting a strong consumer desire for packaging solutions that minimize waste and contribute to a circular economy. Waste reduction (40%) and the use of sustainable ingredients (24%) were also recognized as key factors in consumers' perception of sustainability. 


These insights reinforce the notion that sustainability is no longer a peripheral consideration but a fundamental aspect that shapes consumer preferences. Businesses that prioritize environmental sustainability, promote transparency, and address specific sustainability concerns resonate with consumers seeking to align their values with their purchasing decisions. 


Incorporating sustainability into branding and external corporate communications is undoubtedly a significant step towards driving positive change. However, it's crucial for companies to go beyond mere surface-level efforts and optimize their processes and supply chains to align with their sustainability claims. Failure to do so not only risks consumer backlash but also exposes businesses to accusations of "greenwashing" – presenting an environmentally responsible image while continuing to contribute to pollution or unethical labor practices, for one. To maintain credibility and avoid reputational damage, companies must prioritize the alignment of their entire operations with sustainable principles, ensuring that their actions are consistent with their stated commitments. By taking a holistic approach to sustainability, businesses can truly make a meaningful and authentic impact while earning the trust and support of increasingly discerning consumers.


Embracing sustainability isn't just about doing the right thing—it's also a path to profitability and long-term success for businesses. By redesigning products, transparently communicating initiatives, collaborating with stakeholders, leveraging influencers, and measuring impact, companies can create a powerful brand narrative centered on sustainability. The data speaks for itself: consumers increasingly value sustainability, and they are willing to pay more and remain loyal to brands that share their values. As we move forward, sustainable branding will continue to be a driving force, enabling companies to make a positive impact on the world while reaping the benefits of a thriving customer base. 


Planning the perfect getaway: Insights into Italians' travel habits

As the summer season approaches, Italians eagerly anticipate their well-deserved vacations. A recent research study conducted by us sought to uncover the preferences of Italian travelers when it comes to selecting their vacation type and destination. Let's delve into the fascinating findings and explore the diverse preferences of Italians.


Preferences by age

When examining the attitudes of respondents based on their age, a distinct pattern emerged. The youngest age group (18-35 years old) showed a higher inclination towards solo travel or venturing with friends. This can be attributed to the desire for independence and the thirst for new experiences that often accompany the younger generation. Exploring new places and creating lasting memories with friends or like-minded travelers aligns with their desire for adventure and freedom. Among these young travelers, agency-organized trips (both group and individual) and backpacking were the preferred choices. Organized trips provided the convenience of a structured itinerary, ensuring hassle-free exploration, while backpacking allowed for flexibility and the chance to immerse oneself in the local culture. Both options offer the opportunity to meet new people, foster friendships, and create unforgettable experiences. 


In contrast, respondents aged 35-54 were more likely to embark on vacations with their families, valuing shared experiences. This preference can be attributed to the stage of life these individuals find themselves in, where family bonds and creating lasting memories together become significant priorities. The desire to create a sense of togetherness and provide children with enriching experiences often drives these vacation choices. 


Interestingly, older respondents appeared relatively indifferent in terms of their preference for travel companions. This can be attributed to the fact that individuals in this age group often have more freedom to choose their travel companions or may have already fulfilled their familial responsibilities. They may be more open to various travel options, whether it be solo exploration or traveling with friends. 



Furthermore, the study uncovered varying vacation priorities among different age groups. Respondents aged 18-24 prioritized adventure and fun, seeking thrilling experiences during their getaways. The desire to engage in adrenaline-pumping activities, such as water sports, hiking, or exploring vibrant city centers, reflects the youthful energy and enthusiasm of this age group. 


The 25-34 age group focused on romanticism, yearning for intimate moments in picturesque settings. The desire for romance and the creation of lasting memories in idyllic destinations often drive their vacation choices. The allure of sunsets on the beach, candlelit dinners, and enchanting landscapes can greatly enhance the romantic experience for this group. 


For respondents aged 35-54, relaxation and comfort were key considerations, emphasizing the desire to unwind and rejuvenate. The demanding responsibilities of work and family life may drive the need for a tranquil and pampering vacation experience. Whether it's a luxurious spa retreat, a beachside escape, or a scenic countryside getaway, the focus is on finding solace and indulgence. 


Finally, individuals over 55 cherished the aspect of discovery, seeking to immerse themselves in new cultures and explore unfamiliar territories. Having potentially fulfilled familial and professional obligations, this age group often embraces the opportunity to expand their horizons. Exploring historical landmarks, visiting museums, and engaging with local traditions enrich their travel experiences. 


Italy vs Abroad holidays

The research also shed light on the perennial dilemma faced by Italian travelers: choosing between domestic and international destinations. Astonishingly, a resounding 61% of respondents expressed a preference for vacationing within Italy. This strong inclination towards domestic travel can be attributed to several factors. 


Firstly, Italians have an innate pride in their rich cultural heritage and the diversity of their own country. Italy's historical significance, artistic treasures, and renowned culinary delights hold an irresistible appeal for domestic travelers. Exploring the numerous regions and cities within Italy allows Italians to delve deeper into their own culture, traditions, and history. 


Additionally, the favorable climate found in various parts of Italy makes it an attractive destination for vacationers. From the sun-drenched coastlines of the Amalfi Coast to the mild Mediterranean climate of Tuscany, Italians can enjoy a range of outdoor activities, from relaxing beach days to exploring picturesque countryside landscapes. 


Furthermore, local food plays a significant role in Italians' vacation choices. Italy is celebrated internationally for its gastronomic delights, with each region offering unique culinary experiences. Exploring the diverse flavors and regional specialties adds an extra layer of enjoyment to domestic travel. 


On the other hand, 15% of respondents favored traveling abroad, while 24% were open to exploring both options. Those who preferred to travel abroad cited several reasons for their choice. Firstly, the desire for novelty and cultural richness often drives the appeal of international destinations. Exploring different cultures, historical landmarks, and UNESCO World Heritage sites allows travelers to broaden their horizons and gain a deeper appreciation for global diversity. 


Furthermore, the allure of vibrant nightlife and entertainment scenes found in international cities often attracts those seeking lively and cosmopolitan experiences. The availability of well-established tourist infrastructure, including a wide range of accommodation options and efficient transportation networks, enhances the appeal of foreign travel. 


Planning the trip

When it comes to planning their vacations, a considerable 68% of respondents claimed full responsibility for organizing their trips. This trend highlights the growing independence and self-sufficiency among Italian travelers. Planning their own vacations allows individuals to personalize their experiences, choosing destinations and activities that align with their preferences. 


However, 16% of respondents relied on travel agencies for assistance, predominantly among the 18-34 age group. This reliance on travel agencies can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, younger travelers often lack the time or resources to extensively plan their vacations. Travel agencies offer the convenience of expert advice, curated itineraries, and logistical support, making the process easier for these individuals. 



Moreover, respondents who used travel agencies to book their vacations primarily opted for organized tours (both group and individual), cruises, and resort vacations. These packaged experiences provide a level of convenience and peace of mind, with accommodation, transportation, and activities meticulously planned. It allows travelers to focus on enjoying their vacation without the stress of logistics.



This comprehensive research study provides valuable insights into the vacation preferences of Italians, offering a thorough overview of the factors driving their decision-making processes. It highlights the diverse preferences among different age groups, shedding light on the unique priorities and desires of Italian travelers. 


Italy holds a special place in the hearts of Italian vacationers, with a majority expressing a preference for exploring their homeland. The country's rich history, favorable climate, renowned cuisine, and cultural diversity make it an irresistible choice for many. Simultaneously, international destinations entice travelers with their novel experiences, cultural richness, and vibrant nightlife. 


As the summer vacation season approaches, the findings of this research will undoubtedly aid travelers, tourism boards, and businesses in tailoring their offerings to cater to the specific preferences of Italian vacationers. Whether it's solo adventures, family getaways, romantic escapades, or cultural explorations, Italy and the world beyond offer a wide array of options to satisfy the wanderlust of Italian travelers. By understanding and addressing these preferences, both domestic and international travel experiences can be optimized to provide unforgettable vacations for all. 


Where will you travel this summer?

Amplifying brand engagement and elevating customer experiences with Augmented Reality

In the fast-paced world of advertising, staying ahead of the competition is crucial. As brands strive to captivate their target audience, a powerful tool has emerged to transform the landscape: Augmented Reality (AR). With its ability to merge the digital and physical realms, AR has revolutionized the way brands engage with customers, offering immersive experiences that leave a lasting impact. In this article, we explore the role of AR in advertising and delve into real examples and data that demonstrate how it enhances brand engagement and customer experiences. 


  • Bridging the Gap Between Virtual and Real Worlds: Augmented Reality seamlessly integrates virtual elements into the physical environment, opening up new avenues for advertisers to engage with their audience. For example, IKEA, the renowned furniture retailer, developed the IKEA Place app, which uses AR to allow customers to virtually place furniture items in their homes. As a result, IKEA reported a 98% increase in app engagement and a 45% increase in conversions, showcasing the power of AR to facilitate confident purchase decisions. 


  • Increasing Brand Recall and Recognition: AR-based advertising campaigns have demonstrated their ability to leave a lasting impression on consumers' minds, resulting in increased brand recall. A campaign by Coca-Cola in partnership with AR company Blippar resulted in a 6% increase in brand awareness and an 18% increase in purchase intent among consumers who interacted with the AR experience. 


  • Driving Consumer Engagement and Social Sharing: AR campaigns have the innate power to captivate audiences, encouraging active participation and social sharing. Snapchat, a popular social media platform, introduced AR lenses that overlay animated filters on users' faces. The lenses quickly became a viral sensation, with millions of users sharing their creative experiences. According to Snap Inc., advertisers using AR lenses achieved a 33% increase in ad awareness and a 31% increase in brand favorability. 


  • Personalization and Customization: AR offers a unique opportunity for brands to deliver personalized and customized experiences, tailored to individual preferences. The cosmetics brand Sephora launched an AR-powered virtual makeup try-on feature within their mobile app. Users can virtually try on different shades of lipstick, eyeshadow, and other products, providing a personalized experience. Sephora reported a 200% increase in conversion rates for customers who engaged with the AR try-on feature. 


  • Measurable Insights and Return on Investment (ROI): AR campaigns provide valuable data that can be analyzed to measure success and optimize strategies. In a case study conducted by AR advertising platform Vertebrae, a luxury automotive brand integrated AR ads into their digital campaign. The results showed a 135% increase in engagement compared to non-AR ads, along with a 32% increase in click-through rates. These metrics highlight the effectiveness of AR in capturing and retaining audience attention. 


On top of all this, Apple's Vision Pro, a cutting-edge mixed reality headset, has marketers buzzing with excitement about its potential. While the product is still in its early stages and comes with a hefty price tag, its vision for the future is captivating. Imagine a world where marketing experiences become more immersive, engaging, and fun. The Vision Pro opens up possibilities for marketers to interact with audiences in unprecedented ways. They can create interactive product demonstrations, captivating ads, and content that users can engage with simultaneously inside the headset. The integration of the Vision Pro with the broader Apple ecosystem offers opportunities for seamless ad campaigns across various Apple devices. This immersive platform has the potential to spark a shift in how people perceive and utilize the concept of the metaverse. Although there are still challenges to overcome, such as improving user experience and addressing privacy concerns, developers' enthusiasm for building apps for the Vision Pro hints at an exciting future. As developers create compelling experiences that draw users in and keep them coming back, marketers will naturally follow suit with the same level of enthusiasm. The Vision Pro holds the promise of transforming marketing strategies and revolutionizing the way brands connect with their audience. 


Augmented Reality has proven its ability to revolutionize advertising by amplifying brand engagement and elevating customer experiences. Real-world examples, such as IKEA, Coca-Cola, Snapchat, and Sephora, demonstrate the tangible benefits of incorporating AR into advertising strategies. From bridging the virtual and real worlds to increasing brand recall, driving consumer engagement, enabling personalization, and providing measurable insights, AR has become an indispensable tool for brands seeking to differentiate themselves and thrive in today's competitive marketplace. With the launch of Apple's Vision Pro, the future of AR advertising looks even more promising, ushering in a new era of immersive marketing experiences that will captivate audiences and shape the way brands connect with their target customers.