Cracking the Code: Key Drivers of Easter Egg Purchases in Italy

Easter is a time of celebration and indulgence, and for many Italians, that means enjoying one of the country's favorite spring treats: Easter eggs. But what drives Italian consumers when it comes to choosing which eggs to buy? We at Nextplora recently conducted a study to answer that very question. The results are in, and they offer valuable insights for brands looking to capture the hearts of Italian consumers. In this article, we'll break down the findings and explore what really matters to Italian Easter egg buyers. 


Our aim was to identify the most and least important drivers of purchase for households with and without children, with a particular focus on consumers' attitude towards food and nutrition 


In the first graph, we outlined the drivers of choice for Easter eggs. The taste of chocolate was the most significant factor, with 56% of respondents indicating it as their primary driver. The intensity of chocolate came second (38%), followed by the surprise gift (31%). It's noteworthy that only 9% of respondents indicated the nostalgic memory of their childhood as a driver of choice. Similarly, captivating ads did not appear to have a significant impact on consumer behavior overall. Rather, Italian consumers prioritize taste and "Italianness" over other elements. “Affordability” scored 22% of responses, but so did "worthy paying more”, which suggests that consumers are more conscious of their spending but are willing to invest more if they perceive the product as valuable. Rising prices and inflation may be contributing factors to this trend, but there are likely other factors at play as well.  



In the second graph, we delved into the drivers of choice using a segmentation analysis about consumer's attitude towards food and nutrition. We found that consumers who were "Uninterested" in food had the highest concentration index for partnerships with movies, TV shows, influencers, and sports teams. Their responses indicated a lower priority for "Intensity of chocolate" (83) and "Raw materials selection" (70).  


In contrast, the "Passionate about cooking" segment prioritized "Italianness" (117), "Competence in the chocolate industry" (111), and "Raw materials selection" (117). Consumers who are passionate about cooking are likely to have a deeper understanding and appreciation of the quality and origin of ingredients, as well as the processes involved in creating a high-quality chocolate product. This group may also be more interested in the cultural significance of food and the history and traditions of Italian cuisine. 


The "Sweet Tooth" segment emphasized "Taste of chocolate" (117) and "Affordability" (124). This group of consumers is less concerned with the health benefits or premium quality of the product, and instead seeks a delicious, affordable chocolate experience, while the "Figure Watchers" segment cared the least about "Feeling satisfied and fulfilled" (84) and placed greater importance on the "Italianness" of the brand (118).  


Finally, the "Loyal to the brand" segment prioritized "Italianness" (116) and "Worthy paying more" (116) and showed a high index for "Captivating advertising" (120). Consumers in this segment may be loyal to the brand because it holds a special place in their hearts, perhaps due to positive memories or experiences associated with the brand. As a result, captivating advertising may serve to reinforce the emotional connection that consumers in this segment already have with the brand. Additionally, it's possible that consumers in this segment are more likely to be influenced by advertising in general, as they may be less price-sensitive and more brand-focused than other segments. 


Lastly, the "Sustainability-oriented" segment emphasized "Raw materials selection" (135) and prioritized sustainable brands (122) and industry competence (112). 


In the third and final graph, we explored how the drivers of choice varied based on the age of children in the household. We found that taste and chocolate quality became increasingly important as children grew older, while the surprise gift and partnerships became less relevant. As children enter their late teens, their taste preferences begin to converge with those of their parents, leading to greater shared enjoyment of Easter eggs within the family.  


Italian consumers have distinct and diverse preferences when it comes to buying and consuming Easter eggs, with taste and "Italianness" emerging as the most significant drivers of choice across different segments. The research highlights the importance of understanding the unique needs and priorities of different consumer segments, including those with children and those without, as well as those with a passion for cooking or a focus on sustainability. Brands that can cater to these preferences and effectively communicate their value proposition are likely to succeed in the competitive Easter egg market. However, it's important to note that consumer behavior and preferences can be fluid and influenced by a variety of factors, including economic conditions, cultural shifts, and emerging trends. As such, ongoing research and adaptation are necessary to stay ahead of the curve and meet changing consumer needs. 

Harnessing Color Psychology for Brand Success

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but what about a color? In the world of branding, color can make or break a company's success. From the energizing red and yellow of McDonald's to the tranquil green of Whole Foods, the psychology of color plays a significant role in how consumers perceive a brand. In this article, we will discuss the impact that color has on consumer perception and examine how brands can use color to influence their target audience. So sit back, relax, and let's explore the fascinating world of color psychology in branding. 

As consumers, we are often drawn to certain brands based on their visual appearance. The colors used in a brand's logo, website, packaging, and marketing materials can all have a significant impact on our perception of the brand. This is why color psychology plays such an important role in branding. By understanding the impact that color has on consumer perception, brands can use color to influence their target audience and create a strong brand identity. 


The Impact of Color on Consumer Perception 

The psychology of color is a complex and fascinating subject, and the way that color affects our emotions and behavior is still not fully understood. However, there are some general associations that people tend to make with certain colors, which can influence their perception of a brand. 


For example, blue is often associated with trustworthiness, competence, and professionalism. This is why many banks and financial institutions use blue in their branding. Red, on the other hand, is associated with energy, excitement, and passion, which is why it is often used by brands in the food and beverage industry. 


Other colors have different connotations, such as green being associated with nature and health, yellow being associated with happiness and optimism, and purple being associated with luxury and sophistication. By using these colors strategically in their branding, brands can tap into these associations and influence how consumers perceive their products or services. 


Successful Examples of Color Psychology in Branding 

One of the most successful examples of color psychology in branding is the Coca-Cola brand. The iconic red and white color scheme of the Coca-Cola logo has become synonymous with the brand and is instantly recognizable all over the world. The use of red in the logo is no accident – red is a color that is associated with energy, excitement, and passion, which are all qualities that Coca-Cola wants to be associated with. 


Another successful example of color psychology in branding is the green and white color scheme of the Starbucks logo. Green is a color that is associated with nature, health, and freshness, which are all qualities that are important to the Starbucks brand. The use of the color green in the logo also helps to reinforce the company's commitment to sustainability and environmentalism. 

color psychology


Unsuccessful Examples of Color Psychology in Branding 

One example of a brand that failed to rebrand due to poor use of color psychology is the retailer JCPenney. JCPenney has a long history of rebranding behind it. First founded under the name The Golden Rule by James Cash Penney in 1902, it has changed logos 27 times since then until today, and the name itself has changed from The Golden Rule to JCPenney&Co to Penney's to JCPenney and finally back to Penney's- most recently in 2019. 


In 2012, JCPenney underwent a rebranding effort that included changing its logo and store design. However, the company's use of a bright red color in its advertising and in-store signage was criticized as being too aggressive and not aligned with the brand's traditional values of quality and affordability. The color was also seen as being too similar to the color used by competitor Target 


More changes were also done to the original logo, including new graphical elements and the use of “jcp” rather than the full brand name. Ultimately, studies revealed that although 84% of consumers were familiar with JCPenney's original logo and 76% recognized the minor update in 2009, only 56% of people could associate JCPenney with the logo that was introduced in 2011.  

jcpenney logo evolution

Alas, JCPenney had to backtrack and return to its previous branding elements, only minimally editing the font of the logo. 


Choosing the right color 

When it comes to choosing the right colors for a brand, there are several factors that should be taken into consideration: 

  1. Target Audience: It is important to consider the target audience when choosing colors for a brand. Different age groups, genders, and cultures may have different color preferences and associations. For example, pink may be associated with femininity in Western cultures, but it may be associated with luck and prosperity in some Asian cultures. 
  2. Brand Personality: The colors chosen for a brand should align with the brand's personality and values. For example, a luxury brand may opt for rich and elegant colors like gold or deep purple, while a playful and creative brand may opt for bright and bold colors like pink or orange. 
  3. Industry Standards: It is important to consider the color schemes that are commonly used in a particular industry. For example, green is often used in the health and wellness industry, while blue is commonly used in the financial industry. 
  4. Contrast and Legibility: The colors chosen for a brand should be easy to read and should provide enough contrast for legibility. This is especially important when it comes to choosing colors for logos and other visual elements. 
  5. Emotion and Association: The colors chosen for a brand should evoke the desired emotion and association in the target audience. For example, blue may evoke a sense of calm and trust, while red may evoke a sense of excitement and urgency. 


One thing you might have noticed before is how many popular social media platforms chose blue as the color of their user interface. This is a simple yet effective example of how blue as a color is an idea option for these platforms as it checks all the boxes. 


Firstly, blue is a calming and soothing color, which can make users feel relaxed and comfortable while using the platform. This is important for social media networks, which aim to keep users engaged and on the platform for as long as possible. 


Secondly, blue is a universally liked color, which means that it is unlikely to cause offense or negative reactions among users. This is important for social media networks, which aim to appeal to a wide range of users with different backgrounds and preferences. 


Thirdly, blue is often associated with trust, professionalism, and reliability. This can be beneficial for social media networks, which need to establish a sense of trust and credibility with their users in order to encourage them to share personal information and engage with other users on the platform. 


Finally, blue is a common color used in technology and digital products. This means that users may already associate the color blue with digital interfaces and find it familiar and easy to use. 


In conclusion, color psychology plays a significant role in branding and has the power to influence how consumers perceive a brand. By strategically using colors that align with the brand's personality, target audience, and industry standards, brands can create a strong brand identity and differentiate themselves from competitors. However, it is important to choose colors carefully, taking into consideration factors such as contrast and legibility, and evoking the desired emotion and association in the target audience. As seen in the example of JCPenney, poor use of color psychology can lead to a failed rebranding effort. Ultimately, a brand's success in harnessing color psychology lies in the ability to create a visual language that speaks to its target audience and resonates with them on an emotional level. 

From thrift stores to your fingertips: The future of second-hand clothing

Are you ready to discover the game-changing trend that's shaking up the fashion industry? The rise of online platforms for buying and selling second-hand clothing has taken the world by storm, and we're here to uncover the reasons behind its skyrocketing success. 


Gone are the days of digging through dusty racks at flea markets and brick-and-mortar stores. The virtual world now offers endless opportunities for fashion enthusiasts to build a unique, sustainable wardrobe without breaking the bank. From the early days of Ebay to the emergence of specialized platforms like Depop and Vinted, the second-hand clothing market has never been hotter. 


But the trend doesn't stop there. Big names in fast fashion like Zalando and Asos have also jumped on the bandwagon, offering their own ad hoc sections for pre-loved products. 


So, what motivates consumers to choose between Marketplace platforms and Brand Owner platforms? Our ad hoc research, representative of the Italian population by gender, age, and geographic area, delves into consumer attitudes and market positioning. Get ready to uncover the fascinating insights behind this fashion phenomenon. 


The consumer 

Our data shows that a staggering 25% of respondents buy used clothes more than once a month, with Millennials making up 33% of this group. The trend shows no sign of slowing down either, with 45% of respondents reporting an increase in second-hand purchases compared to last year. 

But what exactly are people buying? Our data shows that bags are the most popular item, making up 45% of purchases, followed closely by jackets and coats (38%) and sweatshirts (35%). Interestingly, young adults (18-34 years) prefer to buy dresses (42%) while seniors (55-65 years) opt for bags (53%). 



Motivations for buying second-hand clothes on online platforms vary by age group. For 18-34 year olds, expressing their personal style and making an environmentally responsible choice are key drivers. They're passionate about self-expression and sustainability, making them the SELF-EXPRESSION ORIENTED segment. In contrast, the 35-44 year old group enjoys the process of putting together unique outfits and supporting good causes, earning them the FUN AND SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE label. Finally, the 45-65 year old group are all about bargains and savings, with access to higher quality or luxury items at a lower price being the top priority. They're the BARGAIN HUNTERS of the bunch. 



Awareness, consideration, usership 

In our examination of brand awareness, consideration, and usership, we delved into the top players in the Italian market for the Marketplace platforms category (which consists of stores where a third party sells, for example Wallapop, Vinted and and Brand Owner platforms (where the brand itself initiates the reselling of its own secondhand products). Despite being fewer in number, Brand Owner platforms boast an impressive 43% brand awareness, even though they cannot compete with the dominant and established players in the Marketplace category. This holds true for consideration and usership as well, as Marketplace platforms command a significant market share and high values. However, it's important to note that the tide may turn in the coming years as more brands are motivated by consumer demand and the climate change emergency to launch similar initiatives and gain recognition and consideration. Unlike many Marketplace platforms, Brand Owner platforms take the lead in ensuring product quality, which could give them a competitive edge in the long run. 


Brand Image Attributes

Upon analyzing the image attributes of Marketplace platforms versus Brand Owner platforms, we can observe that the former are widely viewed as more Affordable, with a 5% edge, and Youthful, with a 2% edge. On the other hand, Brand Owner platforms are perceived as being somewhat more Secure than Marketplace platforms. Both types of platforms are perceived as equally Reliable, Innovative, and Ethical. Interestingly, Marketplace platforms are perceived to be of lower quality than Brand Owner platforms on average. These findings align with people's overall perception of these platforms. Safety is becoming an increasingly serious concern for Marketplace platforms, which have historically provided less protection for consumers. The perception of lower quality on Marketplace platforms can be attributed to the fact that the seller is a third party, and there is no guarantee that the product that arrives in the mail matches the ad and does not have more damage than described in the product description. 


Bottom line is the rise of online platforms for buying and selling second-hand clothing has revolutionized the fashion industry, offering sustainable and affordable options to consumers. While Marketplace platforms currently dominate the market, Brand Owner platforms are gaining traction due to their emphasis on quality and security. As more brands enter the market, and as these platforms adapt to the changing needs of consumers, we can expect this trend to continue and evolve in exciting ways. 


De-influencing: A shift towards authenticity in the age of skepticism

In recent years, influencer marketing has taken the advertising world by storm. Companies have poured billions of dollars into collaborations with social media influencers to promote their products to their followers. However, in the past year or so, there has been a growing trend of "de-influencing", a movement that challenges the traditional influencer model and pushes for more authenticity and transparency in advertising. 


The de-influencing trend has been driven by a number of factors. One of the most significant is the growing awareness of the potential for sponsored content. Many consumers have become more skeptical of influencers' recommendations, believing that they may not be genuine and are simply a way for influencers to make money. This skepticism has been compounded by several high-profile influencer scandals, which have highlighted the potential for dishonesty and unethical behavior in the industry. 


Another factor driving the de-influencing trend is the economic crisis that has resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic. As people become more aware of how they spend their money, particularly on non-essentials, they are looking for more value and authenticity in the products they buy. They are no longer content to simply follow the recommendations of influencers and are instead seeking out more objective information from a variety of sources. 


Despite the growing trend towards de-influencing, it is worth noting that some of this movement is, in fact, influencer marketing in disguise. Influencers on platforms such as TikTok, for example, may claim to be advising their followers against buying a particular product because it is not worth the money. However, in doing so, they may be promoting a cheaper alternative that they have a financial interest in promoting. 


While the de-influencing trend is still in its early stages, it is clear that consumers are becoming more discerning and are looking for more genuine interactions with brands and individuals. Companies that embrace authenticity and transparency in their marketing efforts are likely to see the greatest success in this new landscape. 


It's important to note that influencer marketing is still a highly effective tool for brands looking to grow their audience and boost their sales. When done right, influencer marketing can generate incredible ROI, increase brand awareness, and build trust with consumers. However, in the current climate of de-influencing, it's important for brands to be mindful of this trend and understand how to tackle the problem. 


One way for brands to navigate the de-influencing trend is to shift their focus from macro-influencers to micro-influencers. Micro-influencers tend to have smaller but more engaged audiences, and their followers often trust their recommendations more than those of larger influencers. Brands can also look to build long-term relationships with influencers, rather than just one-off partnerships, to establish trust and authenticity with their audience. During one of our studies conducted for a well-known agro-food brand, we found that the use of a macro-influencer led to significantly better results in terms of brand awareness, while the difference in results between macro and micro-influencers for opinion, consideration, and preference was less pronounced. However, we found that micro-influencers performed better in the lower part of the funnel, namely intention-to-buy. 


micro macro influencers


A study by Influencer Intelligence found that engagement rates for Instagram influencers with fewer than 1000 followers were 8.8%, compared to 1.7% for influencers with over 100,000 followers. This suggests that micro-influencers may have more engaged audiences and higher levels of trust with their followers. 


Another study by Markerly analyzed over 800,000 Instagram accounts and found that influencers with between 1,000 and 10,000 followers had the highest engagement rates on average. This suggests that micro-influencers may be more effective at driving engagement and building brand awareness than larger influencers. 


Another strategy for brands is to focus on creating authentic content that resonates with their target audience. By showcasing real people and real experiences, brands can build a loyal customer base that values authenticity and transparency. Brands can also invest in user-generated content, which is often seen as more trustworthy and relatable than branded content. 


In terms of honesty and transparency, a study by Stackla found that 90% of consumers say authenticity is important when deciding which brands to support. Another study by Edelman found that 63% of consumers trust what influencers say about brands more than what brands say about themselves. This suggests that being honest and transparent with consumers can be a powerful way for brands to build trust and loyalty with their audience. 


Ultimately, the de-influencing trend is a cautionary tale for brands to be mindful of the changing tides in the advertising world. By being transparent, authentic, and focused on building relationships with their audience, brands can continue to leverage the power of influencer marketing in a way that resonates with consumers and drives business results. 


It’s a response to the growing skepticism and demand for authenticity in the advertising world, but it is also a symptom of the economic crisis that has made consumers more aware of how they spend their money. While there may be some disguised influencer marketing within the movement, it is ultimately a call for more transparency and honesty in the industry. Companies that respond to this call are likely to thrive in the new landscape of advertising. 

Scoring big with sponsorships: Choosing the right sport for your brand

Sponsorships are an effective marketing strategy that many brands use to boost their brand image, increase awareness, and drive consideration. However, the results a brand gets from sponsoring a sport or team can vary significantly based on the sport, team, and competitive landscape. In this article, we will make a case for how brands who sponsor certain sports get different results on brand image attributes, awareness, and consideration based on the sport and team they decide to sponsor while also considering the competitive landscape in their industry. 


Exclusive sponsorships and their impact on brand image and awareness 

Let's consider the case of Brand X who decided to sponsor a sport with no other competitors in its industry actively sponsoring sports. As a result, we observed a significant increase in brand awareness during the active season of the sport. Specifically, in the two periods analyzed, brand awareness increased by 70.4% and 96.5% for fans of the sport. Even for those who watch the sport infrequently and are not as engaged as to call themselves fans, the brand awareness was respectively 48.1% and 41.4% higher during the same active seasons. It's important to note that brand awareness for both watchers and fans increased throughout the year, indicating that the impact of the sponsorship was long-lasting and effective on the upper funnel. 


Additionally, the sponsorship had a positive impact on the brand image attributes. The sponsored sport registered a boost in reliability, quality, ease of use, and most notably, distinctiveness. This could be due to the fact that Brand X was the only company in its industry sponsoring this sport, giving it a unique and memorable positioning. There was also an increase in attributes related to being forward-looking, such as being smart, digital, up-to-date, and future-oriented. This demonstrates how different sports can impact various brand image attributes and how choosing the right sponsorship can have a significant impact on the latter. 



Communicating sponsorships and the effects it has on the brand 

Now, let's consider the case of Brand Y who decided to sponsor a popular sport in a highly competitive landscape where many of its competitors also sponsor sports. We analyzed the impact of the sponsorship on Brand Y's brand KPIs after they added the sponsorship to their advertising campaigns, while the other elements in the ads remained the same. 


We observed that the addition of the sponsorship made the ad more attention-grabbing, original, and appreciated by viewers. However, there was nearly no impact on memorability or ad credibility. The new campaign also communicated higher levels of originality, brand credibility, and historicity as the popularity of the sport contributed with its own reputation attributes. 


It's important to note that different teams and sports will likely impact different attributes of a brand image. More niche sports could communicate exclusivity, while usually successful teams could communicate reliability. Sponsoring players, teams, or sports that have been around for a long time and are dear to their fans could communicate a strong sense of closeness to the brand and give a perception of competence. 




Famous case studies 

Research has shown that sports sponsorship can have a significant impact on a brand's image and perception, particularly when the sponsorship is exclusive or when it is associated with a popular and relevant sport. For example, Red Bull's well-known sponsorship of extreme sports has helped to establish the brand's image as youthful, dynamic, and exciting, while Nike's sponsorship of high-profile sports teams and athletes has reinforced its image as a reliable and competent athletic brand. 


According to a study conducted by McKinsey & Company in 2017, sports sponsorship can have a significant impact on a brand's performance. The study found that companies that increased their sponsorship spending by at least 10% saw a 7% increase in brand preference and a 6% increase in purchase intent among consumers. Similarly, a 2019 Forbes article stated that sports sponsorship can lead to increased brand equity, customer loyalty, and social media engagement. The article cited a case study of Nike's sponsorship of the NFL's Colin Kaepernick, which resulted in a 31% increase in online sales for the brand thanks to the revolutionary stance he had taken against police brutality and racial inequality, jeopardizing his career for a cause he deeply believed in. In this instance, by sponsoring Kaepernick, Nike chose to align its brand to his values and the company was rewarded by consumers.  


In conclusion, sponsorships can have a significant impact on a brand's image and reputation, and choosing the right sponsorship can make all the difference. Brands should carefully consider the landscape of their industry, their competitors' sponsorships, and the attributes they want to communicate to their target audience when deciding which sports or teams to sponsor. 

Beyond the Blades: A Close Shave of Men's Grooming Habits and the Beard Trimmer Category

Beards have been making a comeback in recent years, and for many men, they're more than just a fashion statement. Whether it's a full beard, a bit of stubble, or a clean shave, the way a man grooms his facial hair can say a lot about him. As a player in the category, you need to stay on top of the latest trends and consumer preferences to ensure your brand stays relevant and competitive. That's why we conducted a comprehensive study on the beard-grooming habits and beard trimmers usage among consumers in five different countries: Germany, Spain, France, Italy, and the United Kingdom. In this article, we'll take a deep dive into the results of our research and provide insights that will help you better understand your target market and develop effective marketing strategies. 


Cross-Country Consumer Profile

How we defined the perimeter of the research and the outcome of a deep- dive into men’s beard grooming habits. 

Our samples were representative of the population in terms of age and geographical area in each of the countries. For the sake of this research, we interviewed men who have a beard and/or a mustache with the objective of gaining a deeper understanding of the beard trimmer consumer. 




As shown in the graph below, the majority of men choose to grow a beard for aesthetic reasons. According to the data we collected, a cross-country average of 72.6% of men surveyed reported that the main reason they grow a beard is for its visual appeal 


Breaking the “aesthetics” category into individual and specific motivators, further analysis of the data reveals that this trend is particularly evident in Spain and the UK, where 48% and 45% of respondents respectively reported thinking they look better with a beard than without. This is the most predominant reason across all countries. 


The survey also found that Germans believe that having a beard makes them look more "manly" (33%). It's important to note that the concept of "manliness" and its association with facial hair may have different cultural roots in different parts of the world. For example, in some cultures, a full beard may be associated with wisdom and experience, while in others, a well-groomed mustache may be seen as a sign of sophistication. 


Alas, trendiness was also found to be an important motivator for growing a beard in Germany (21%), France (25%), and Italy (21%). 



While aesthetics and cultural expectations were found to be key motivators for men to grow a beard or mustache, the survey also revealed that the "experience" of facial hair was a significant factor for many respondents. In fact, men across all countries surveyed reported that the experience of shaving was often unpleasant or annoying (Average 29.6%; Median 30%). 


In addition to this, the survey found that a strong drive to try something new was also a key motivator for men to grow a beard or mustache, in all countries but France.  


However, it's worth noting that peer pressure was not declared as an important reason for men to grow facial hair. This suggests that while men may be influenced by their cultural surroundings, they are primarily motivated by their own personal preferences and experiences when it comes to grooming.



The utilitarian and hygienic reasons were a close third in the UK. Men in Spain (23%), Italy (23%) and the UK (22%) reported skin irritations and imperfections as a common problem associated with shaving, with many feeling that growing a beard or mustache was a way to avoid these issues. It's clear that many men in these countries see growing a beard or mustache as a way to alleviate this problem and improve their overall grooming experience. 


Interestingly, the survey data also found that 26% of British respondents reported that keeping their face warm was an important reason for growing a beard or mustache. This suggests that there may be practical aspects to facial hair that vary largely from one country to another, especially when weather is involved. As a matter of fact, we could observe Spain (9%) to be the least concerned about how a beard can contribute to facial warmth, as it is also, on average, the hottest country among the 5 surveyed. 


In terms of hygiene, the survey data indicated that this aspect was largely overlooked by most countries. However, in the UK, 9% of respondents reported hygiene as a reason for growing a beard or mustache.  



According to the survey data, men in Germany (28%), France (24%), and the UK (28%) were most interested in growing a beard to look more mature. This is an interesting finding as it suggests that, in these cultures, facial hair is seen as a symbol of maturity and perhaps even authority. 


Although the countries we surveyed seemed more motivated by looking mature, rather than younger, it’s worth noting that this perception of facial hair is not universal. In some cultures, for example, beards are associated with youth and vitality. This can be seen in countries such as India and Iran. In these cultures, growing a beard is often associated with entering adulthood or reaching a certain level of social status. 


It's also worth considering the ways in which the perception of age can change over time. In the past, for example, beards were often associated with old age and wisdom. This is reflected in historical figures such as Confucius, who is often depicted with a long beard as a symbol of his intellectual prowess. 


Overall, this survey highlights the complex motivations behind men's decisions to grow a beard. While aesthetics and experience are the main reasons, more practical, cultural, social, and individual factors also play a role. As attitudes towards male grooming continue to evolve, it will be interesting to see how these trends change over time. 

Our research continues with an in-depth look at brands in the beard trimmer category and its competitive landscape. We measured brands' awareness and salience and conducted a comprehensive analysis of their positioning by comparing it with the most relevant image attributes, thus identifying valuable areas in the industry that can represent a differentiation opportunity for incumbents and new players.

Want to learn more about the most relevant brand attributes for consumer and how strong each individual brand is in relation to them?


To get a presentation of the full report, contact us by clicking below:



How Brands can Differentiate and Stand Out in a Crowded Market

In today's digital age, brands need to adapt to new technologies and changing consumer behavior to effectively increase return on investment (ROI). The rise of digital media has created new opportunities for brands to reach and engage with consumers, but it has also introduced new challenges and complexities. One of the key strategies to overcome these challenges is differentiation. Brands that differentiate themselves from their competitors can create a unique and compelling value proposition that resonates with consumers. 


One of the key ways for brands to effectively increase ROI in the digital age is by utilizing data and analytics. By gathering and analyzing data on consumer behavior, brands can gain valuable insights into what works and what doesn't. This information can be used to create targeted and personalized marketing campaigns that are more likely to resonate with consumers. Additionally, data and analytics can be used to optimize and measure the performance of digital campaigns, allowing brands to make data-driven decisions on where to allocate their marketing budget. 


Another way for brands to increase ROI in the digital age is by leveraging social media. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok provide brands with a direct line of communication to consumers. This allows brands to build relationships with consumers and create a sense of community. It also allows brands to gain valuable insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and opinions. Additionally, social media platforms provide brands with an opportunity to reach new audiences, through sponsored posts, influencer marketing and other tactics. 


However, brands must be aware of the challenges that come with digital media, such as the rise of ad-blockers, changing consumer behavior, and the increasing competition. To overcome these challenges, brands need to adopt a customer-centric approach, understand their target audience, and provide them with relevant, valuable and engaging content. Additionally, brands should focus on building trust and transparency with their customers, and use a data-driven approach to inform their marketing decisions. 


One way for brands to differentiate themselves is by focusing on their unique selling points or “unique value proposition” (UVP). A UVP is the specific benefit or set of benefits that a brand provides that sets it apart from its competitors. By identifying and clearly communicating their UVP, brands can create a compelling message that resonates with consumers and make it more likely that they will choose that brand over others. 


Another way to differentiate is by focusing on the customer experience. Brands can differentiate themselves by providing exceptional customer service, a seamless online-offline experience or by creating a sense of community among customers. By doing so, brands can create a loyal customer base that is more likely to recommend the brand to others. 


Additionally, brands can differentiate themselves by creating a strong brand identity and by building a powerful brand story. A strong brand identity is a visual representation of a brand's personality and values that helps to create an emotional connection with consumers. A powerful brand story, on the other hand, is a narrative that communicates the brand's mission, values, and purpose in an engaging and authentic way. Both elements are powerful tools that can help brands to stand out in the digital age and create a lasting impression on consumers. 


A study by McKinsey & Company found that companies that differentiate themselves from their competitors have a 30% higher return on investment than those that do not differentiate. Another study by Forrester Research found that companies that differentiate themselves through customer experience outperform their competitors by nearly 80%. 


In conclusion, differentiation is a powerful strategy that can help brands to stand out in a crowded and oversaturated market. By focusing on their unique selling points, customer experience, brand identity and brand story, brands can create a unique and compelling value proposition that resonates with consumers, increase return on investment and create a loyal customer base. 

The Power of Message and Brand Personality in Maximizing Memorability

The message in marketing communications is crucial to convey brand personality and maximize memorability of the advertisement and the product. When creating marketing campaigns, it's essential to keep in mind that the message should align with the brand's personality and values. This helps to establish trust and credibility with the target audience and make a lasting impression on them. A brand's personality is essentially its human-like characteristics, and it helps to create an emotional connection with the consumer. 


There is plenty of data to support the importance of the message in marketing communications in conveying brand personality and maximizing memorability of the advertisement and the product. A study conducted by the Marketing Science Institute found that when consumers had a strong emotional connection with a brand, they were more likely to be loyal to the brand and make repeat purchases. The study also found that brands with a consistent and clear personality were more likely to establish an emotional connection with consumers. 


The advertising campaigns that create an emotional connection with consumers are more effective in growing the brand compared to campaigns that focus solely on product benefits. Ads that elicit an emotional response produce a much higher return on investment than ads that are simply informative. 


In terms of memorability, a study by Advertising Research found that the most creative and unique ads were more likely to be remembered by consumers. The study found that ads that used humor, storytelling, or incorporated current events had a higher recall rate compared to more direct and informative ads. A consistent message across all platforms and channels can significantly increase brand recall. 


One example of a food brand that has achieved better results by improving their message in their ads is Coca-Cola. The brand has been known for its iconic "Open Happiness" campaign that ran for several years. The campaign was designed to promote the idea that Coca-Cola is a simple pleasure that brings people together and creates happy moments. The campaign was a success because it aligned with the brand's personality of being fun and refreshing, and it created an emotional connection with consumers by emphasizing the idea of happiness. The company used a variety of channels to promote the campaign, including television, print, outdoor, and digital advertising. They also used a consistent message across all channels, which helped to reinforce the idea of happiness and increase brand recall. The campaign was very effective in increasing brand loyalty and driving sales, as it was able to create a strong emotional connection with consumers. 


To sum up, the significance of the message in marketing communications cannot be overstated. It is a critical factor in communicating brand personality and ensuring the ad and product are highly memorable. When brands align their message with their personality and values, and use a creative and coherent approach, they are more likely to leave a lasting impression on consumers. Coca-Cola is a notable illustration of this strategy, having effectively aligned their marketing message with their brand's personality and values, and consistently implementing it across all channels to drive sales, increase brand loyalty, and make a lasting impact on consumers.

Find out how to build a brand through cross-media, second-screen, addressable, ad-skipping and sound-off: the Haier case.

Nextplora @ Branding e-volution 2022

Last September 28, Nextplora had the pleasure of participating in the Branding e-volution 2022 event organized by UPA and Polimì.


UPA offered us a challenge: Take part in the conversation about how to build, grow, and measure brand value over time. We at Nextplora did not back down.


On this occasion we talked about how to build the brand through cross-media, second-screen, addressable, ad-skipping and sound-off, paying particular attention to the Haier case, presented by Francesco Bellomo of Haier Europe.


Bottom line is: sound-on advertising increasingly generates uplifts in brand awareness, ad awareness, consideration, ITB and brand image profile. But results also show that 42 percent of the Internet population watches advertising with the sound off...

And, therefore, how can a brand address this zero-sum game?


That was our challenge, find out how to tackle yours below.



To learn more, watch the video of our talk*:


*The presentation contents are in Italian

Nextplora strengthens alongside companies to improve the return on advertising and media investments at every stage of brand development.

Nextplora expands its services to address brand and media intelligence needs with a new website and its sponsorship of the UPA Branding Evolution conference on Sept. 28, 2022.


Milan, Sept. 21, 2022 - Over the past 12 years, Nexplora has conducted more than 6,500 studies for over 160 clients, making it account for over 92% of its business. Finally, Nextplora announces the consolidation of its position as a provider of ROI analysis for brands, advertising, and media for Italian and international companies.


Nextplora complements its services with new analytics and consulting solutions, to answer the questions of its clients on the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.

It does so with a new international website and value proposition, thanks to experiences on the needs of Italian companies abroad, which are worth 35% of its revenues.


Cross-Media analysis, Brand Tracking and Post-Test, can now also be consulted with BMI Vista, the dashboard that allows you to analyze the results of your campaigns intuitively and interactively. Thanks to the multiple studies conducted over the years, benchmarks in several countries, sectors, targets and media are also available.


Brand design, implementation, and marketing and advertising pre-testing are provided by Insight3, the methodology suite that extracts knowledge directly from the voice of consumers.


Beginning this fall, Nextplora complements these solutions with:

  • Call Back, a methodology for determining post-launch brand results.
  • Shopper Scan, to connect the effects of a campaign to household consumption of the product.
  • Modelling, to make accurate sales forecasts based on media investment choices.


Lastly, Nextplora introduces Media+Brand Effect, for quick and affordable media post-audit and brand lift of cross-media campaigns including digital, social, and connected TV. The solution uses SoundON methodology in collaboration with Fluzo, which enables detection of exposure to advertising from its Idee&Opinioni panel with audio-matching and the use of AI.


"We pioneered this activity in Italy, and for more than a decade we have been working alongside brands that value us as a reliable, beneficial and affordable partner to improve the return on their investments," says Andrea Giovenali, CEO and founder of Nextplora. "We are truly committed to helping them achieve their goals, and we always operate with the 'end in mind' with insights that always go beyond the numbers."


On September 28, Nextplora will be sponsoring the second edition of the Branding Evolution conference hosted by UPA and Politecnico di Milano, with a talk titled:

"Building the brand between cross-media, second-screen, addressable, ad-skipping and sound-off: the Haier case."

Case studies and evidence on the best branding results of advertising in cross-media and digital contexts will be featured.


About Nextplora

Nextplora helps companies improve the return on advertising and media investments at every stage of brand development.

From brand design to the audit of post-launch results, through the contribution of advertising campaigns and media used, and to sales forecasts based on investment thresholds, Nextplora has been a leader in brand and media intelligence for more than 20 years, has more than 6,500 cross-media and brand effectiveness studies under its belt, and collaborates with 160 brand companies in Italy and abroad. Clients expressed a satisfaction rating of 8.7 in 2021 for Nextplora's work and rated the information they received as "very useful" in supporting their decisions.

For more information visit


Contacts: Bruno Lagomarsino – Nextplora,