Digital development analyzed through sophisticated technological solutions.

In Largo Consumo's interview with Nextplora CEO Andrea Giovenali, it is highlighted how, during the pandemic, Nextplora supported its customers with sophisticated techniques applied in two areas, that of marketing and that of communication.

In marketing Nextplora uses a solution capable of exploring, creating and implementing innovation in the offering, also defining guidelines for how to communicate it. This solution involves a very large number of consumers (up to 500) who discuss openly within communities and whose verbalizations are analyzed thanks to artificial intelligence, so that they are given a precise order and meaning.

While the second solution supports brands in making their advertising investments more effective, in particular in media planning and copy.

At the end of the interview, Andrea Giovenali goes on to underline how Covid has helped to accelerate the digital development of consumers and companies can no longer ignore the need to integrate new digital levers within their investments.

To know in detail the Nextplora solutions click here.

Nextplora will close 2021 with an increase in turnover compared to the pre-pandemic situation.

As reported by Largo Consumo's interview with Nextplora CEO Andrea Giovenali, the pandemic, despite causing a lot of damage, has given back the centrality of market research.

While companies have decreased their investments in marketing, on the other they have understood that the Covid emergency has brought with it structural changes between consumers, brands and companies that are destined to last over time. The dynamics that have been created need to be analyzed and understood, for this reason market research, with its ability to produce knowledge, has assumed a central and essential role in guiding development and optimizing the resources invested in advertising.

To know in detail the Nextplora solutions click here.

Nextplora presents BMI Sound On

The solution allows you to analyze the impact of campaigns by objectively and implicitly detecting consumer exposure to companies' audio-visual advertisements.

Milan, 16 September 2021 - Nextplora, the Insight & Data Management agency active since 2010 with the analysis solution of the effects of Brand & Media Intelligence advertising campaigns, strengthens with Sound On its leadership in the depth and precision of knowledge for companies.

Sound On is a new feature of the solution that allows you to determine the impact generated by campaigns that have an audio / video format on TV, digital, and radio, thanks to the detection of exposure to messages from thousands of consumers.

For this purpose Nextplora has developed the new Spot Radar mobile app, used by members of its IdeeOpinioni panel, which will allow you to detect the ambient audio and check in real time with an AI algorithm if it is the analyzed message (audio-matching). Exposed consumers will be interviewed during the campaign to verify the impact that the message has produced, even with respect to those who have not been exposed.

The Spot Radar app integrates and launches in an exclusive partnership the fingerprint solution developed by Fluzo Technologies for the automatic recognition of audio content.

With this solution, companies that invest in advertising will have access to increasingly in-depth and precise information on the contribution that each media produces on the results of the campaign, and the impact of the message on brand memory and advertising.

"While companies compete for the visibility and impact of their messages with consumers, many of the investments in recent years have been used for" inaudible "campaigns - commented Andrea Giovenali, CEO of Nextplora - Sound On is the state solution- of-the-art that allows you to better understand the contexts in which the messages produce useful results ".

BMI Sound On will be presented in a live-streaming event at 17:00 today, which will be attended by leading companies and operators such as AlfaSigma, Bauli, Haier, MediaPlus and Serviceplan, to give their point of view and experience on the value of advertising and of the media. The solution will be available starting October 1st, and the results will be integrated and distributed with BMI's interactive and personalized dashboard.

How to strengthen your brand to improve business performance

How can you strengthen the brand to improve business performance?

Nextplora wants to answer this question through its new WEBINAR to be held WEDNESDAY 17 MARCH AT 5.00 PM.
We will start by showing some data on the positive impact that an effective branding strategy can have on business results.
We will continue by analyzing specifically issues such as Brand Positioning and Brand Implementation, relating them to the contribution that the development of an efficient communication lever can provide.

Through some useful cases relating to brand purpose and projects or repositioning, we will show how important companies have "strengthened" their brand and achieved positive business results.
Finally, we will highlight how much Insight3, our solution for consumer insight, has contributed to the success of these branding projects.